So this week, on Monday, our Joyful Joannie had her 2-year old check up. I so despise waiting in a waiting room with sick children. Something about a sitting in a confined space with two healthy children under three years of age, and there being about 2-3 children in the same office with head colds and GOD knows what other ailments. Seriously people bring the sanitizer with you when you bring your child to the pediatricians office or don't let your children touch toys that you know healthy children will be playing with. As of Monday when we left the pediatricians office, the Joyful Joannie was healthy except for her usual shots that she was behind on getting. So Tuesday night rolls around and what starts do I hear as I'm making dinner, cough cough achoo achoo. I start thinking to myself and praying, "Dear God, so far you've kept her healthy please don't let this be a head cold." Then all night long and all day yesterday, it was a runny nose, coughing fits, and a low grade temperature. I say low grade, because Joannie takes after mom, our normal body temp is not 98.6 as it should be but rather it's usually 94.something to 96.something. SO if we are running a fever our low grade fever is generally 98.something.
At this point last night, I had to change the dinner plans to be something without dairy so it wouldn't produce more mucous in my sweet daughter. I sent a message to the Vinegar Queen aka Green Grandma on her Facebook page asking for an all natural remedy for cough syrup. I honestly love Green Grandma she's filled with invaluable information on how to treat things all naturally. Which odd enough, I try to be as organic as possible. Somethings I'm honestly not so green about, I'm sorry but I use Kirkland disposeable Diapers and Kirkland brand Baby wipes. I've used them for Joannie, and we are doing the same with Joannie. It's generally for convenience honestly, but I do my best to dump and flush the poop out of the diapers in the trash can. So getting back to Green Grandma, she provided me with recipe for making cough syrup for Joannie which GOD BLESS her worked in only two doses. It is as follows:
1 Part of ACV (ORGANIC RAW Apple Cider Vinegar is the BEST!)
2 Parts Filtered Water
Place all ingredients in a bottle and shake until combined. Appropriate directions are: 2 TBSP every
2 hours
I gave Joannie two does and she didn't fight me to take those doses, she actually came running to me for them. Odd but true, this doesn't smell yummy at all but the taste isn't at all as it smells.
I grew up having ACV, honey, lemon, and warm water for sore throats when I had to sing the next day, that and gargling with salt water. This also works, I'm posting the recipe here also for that as well.
8 oz of Warm Water
2 - 3 TBSP of honey
1-2 capfulls of ACV (ORGANIC AND RAW - Again this seriously works best)
1/2 lemon squeezed
Place all ingredients in a mug stir until well blended, sip or guzzle it down that's your preference. I tend to drink this pretty face because it doesn't taste so good once it gets to be room temperature.
For the flu I suggest another all natural concoction that I grew up having especially when I was throwing up, this is basically best if you sip with a spoon also serve warm as it again doesn't taste so good when it cools down to room temperature.
8 oz of water (Boiling for tea, then allow to cool until warm before adding the last 3 ingredients)
1 tea bag of Chamomile tea
1/2 lemon squeezed into the mug with the tea
2 - 3 TBSP of honey, or to taste
1 - 2 capfulls of ACV (ORGANIC AND RAW - Works best TRUST ME)
Combine all the ingredients and drink by the teaspoon, until symptoms subside.
Joannie is napping and has been napping now for 2 hours, which has given me enough time to publish this article for all your viewing pleasure. I hope that everyone finds some use for these recipes, as I know I will be soon needing Green Grandma's ACV Cough Syrup. I try my best not to heavily medicate my children, we generally use Tylenol and Ibiprophen to treat fevers. I try and stick with the old home remedies that are tried and true. These are home remedies, that I know work. Beside the new tricks, like Vick's rub on the bottom of your feet for head colds, and 94.5% all natural cold/flu bath soak/salts that you can pick up at WalMart. Please feel free to send me any questions and I'll try to answer them as best as I can. If I don't know, I know I always have Green Grandma who can help me out!
God's Love, Peace, Blessings, and Grace to Everyone!
Jennifer Cormier