Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One sick miserable baby + NOT Sticking to a bedtime schedule = TOTAL BABY HYSTERIA

One would of thought that I was skinning Gabriella alive or abusing her in some other way but I wasn't. I was getting the humidifier from Joannie's room to bring into the nursery, so I put Gabriella in her crib for safe keeping. Before heading off on said venture, I had suctioned my sweet baby turned demon child'
s nose with a bulb syringe which I guess set off a chain reaction and made the her turn into a screaming banshee. Needless to say, she must of thought mommy didn't love her cause even after I had everything set up, Gabriella continued on her tirade. She screamed with such force, I fear my hearing maybe permanently damaged. She was still screaming with a bottle in her mouth...a little bit like this..AHHHHHHA...suck suck...AHHHHHA...suck suck suck....Ahha..suck..ah..suck. Well you get the picture, needless to say, my easy breezy but to bed baby...was not so easy breezy tonight...DID I MENTION SHE THROWS THINGS TOO!!!! Ouch my head hurts!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Feeling Nostalgic

     As I made breakfast today, which was a wonderful French Toast and Maple Sausage, our weather was cool and rainy. This made me remember my life growing up in Orange County, California when all year around rain or shine my adopted dad would make pancakes or hot breakfast for the family out in the backyard on the gas grill. I also thought about swimming in the pool during the rain, as long as it wasn't thundering or lightning in the area. These are two of my fondest memories as a child, beside eating outside in our covered porch. Maybe this is why, even with my two beautiful girls on Saturdays when nothing is planned I enjoy making our family a hot breakfast, having the doors and windows open, feeling the breeze of fall or spring, and just being in the moment. Yes, it may take a little preparation and planning to do, but quite seriously these are memory making moments that I live for and hope my girls continue on with.
     We are also potty training our oldest, Joannie, and today has me thinking of traveling with multiple trips to the potty with my adopted family. "Jenn, do you have to go potty? Do you need to go number 1 or number 2?" As a creative 5-6 year old that I was I came up with an extra number that usually would combine both number 1 and 2, which would then equal number 3, this would mean that I had an upset tummy and had to go diarrhea. Well, the first time I used it, no one understood what I meant and I was asked "Jenn, what is number 3?" The very brilliant, intelligent me replied calmly, "It's when you pee and poop at the same time and it comes out of my tushy."
   These are just a few of my favorite memories that have me going today, besides sugar and caffeine which every mother has hidden some where in her parenting repertoire.  Wishing all my mommy friends a wonderful and a blessed day. Hug your kids because they just grow up way too darn fast! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just One Of Those Moments In Life

            I'm sure some of you have a place where you go, and you can remember the first time you stepped foot into this place. Have you ever just sat there and replayed those events in your mind? Well, this past Saturday, was my youngest, Gabriella's first birthday. Instead of being at home, spending it with her. I was getting the fellowship hall at our church ready. I boiled off the pasta for the macaroni and cheese, which I made all from scratch except for the macaroni. I set up the tables and chairs all by myself, not because I'm supermom, but because I needed to keep myself busy so I wouldn't think about the two angels I have waiting for me in heaven. I sat down for a bit and called a family friend back who had called to wish Gabriella, a wonderful birthday.
              After the phone call, I was sitting in our fellowship hall and my mind started playing all the times, I had been to this building. I was here on my honeymoon in 2008, as a new bride traveling to meet my husband's family. I was shy, quiet, reserve, and very nervous about if his' family would like me. Approximately 2 years ago, we moved to Pittsburgh, PA and I started attending this church with my then 6 month old baby girl. I replayed in my mind her baby dedication with her grandpa, great aunt, and great uncle looking on. Fast forward, to when Chris and I joined the church. Quickly, in my mind I jumped forward again, to when Chris and I announce our pregnancy with our lovely, Gabriella. Little did we know then, that she was going to be a girl who would change our lives. Little did we know then that she would be our last child. My mind moved forward to her baby shower, where we welcomed her to our church family.
All this got me thinking about how many bridal showers, baby showers, engagement parties, birthday parties, wedding receptions, and various different events this church has seen. What would these walls say if they could talk? What would the building say if it could talk? Then I realized, that I am a part of the church, the church isn't just a building it's me! It's me in how I treat my children. It's me in how I treat my family. It's me in how I treat a complete stranger. I am the body of Christ, I am His' Church, and I am His' Bride. The Church is the Bride of Christ. Then shouldn't our lives demonstrate this to others. I have loved and lost, but who knows this very few close friends and my church. Does anyone else besides my church know the reason I write? The reason I blog? That I even blog at all?
                  I'm not someone who wants to be recognized, but I am someone who believes that God has me here for a purpose, just like the fellowship hall has a purpose. I may not know what my purpose is right now. I may not ever realize in my lifetime what my purpose was. But I know that no matter what I do, I am right now fulfilling God's purpose as a mother to my two beautiful young girls. And that for me is just one of those moments in life that I am learning to be content with.
                  May we all have the moments in life, that are just one of those moments that we look and reflect on. May we all have just one of those moments in life always!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Side of the River Are you From?

     Pittsburgh is truly a wonderful place to visit. The most amazing sight is when you are driving through the Ft. Pitt Tunnel and you reach the Ft. Duquense, there is the city of Pittsburgh laid out before you in all her glory. This is how I first saw Pittsburgh, while I was back here in 2008 on my honeymoon. If one had told me then, that I a California native would move here. I probably would of chalked that person as crazy. But now 4 years later, here I am living in Pittsburgh for the past 2 years. There are some things I, being the outsider, have noticed about people in Pittsburgh. I will travel across the three rivers to go to interviews, doctors appointments, meet with friends, and church. But living on the other side of the river in Scott Township means that not very many if any people are willing to travel to me.
       So being a mom, with two young beautiful girls isn't that easy to meet other moms and their children. I grew up being told very often that in order to be a friend one had to be friendly with others. While I am somewhat private, but I am honest, perhaps that is why I am writing this article. Because I've found that most mom's in Pittsburgh, generally stick to their neck of the woods where they are the most comfortable. In California or Washington state, I know without a doubt that the parents are more friendlier. But here it seems that parents are very suspicious of other parents. And rightly so, as a parent one needs to be vigilant, but so much to the extreme that you don't say hello to the other mom or dad. The children in my neighborhood are all school age children, my oldest isn't even 3 years old yet. Most MOPS groups meet during the early morning, which is not a convenient time for me all the time. Have you ever tried waking up a 2 ½ year old and an almost 1 year old to be out of the house by 8:30 am? It's not an easy task to do, I'm not saying some moms can do it, but this mom can't. Honestly a night time or early evening MOPS program would work best for my family, but these programs are designated for older children, not younger children like mine. I've tried to start a moms play group with some friends on Facebook, but I don't get people who are interested. So instead my mom friends are women, I know only from my church in Brighton Heights.
        I guess one day, when my 2 ½ year old and almost 1 year old head off to school then maybe they will have friends and I will be able to become hopefully friendly with their parents. But until then, I guess I will just bide my time, trying to be friendly to not-so-friendly parents at the malls and parks where my children play.