So, this past Sunday, was Gabriella's debut and Baby Shower. Yes, I know a little odd to have the baby shower after the arrival of the child. But if you know my past pregnancy issues, I believe you would understand why this was decided by both Chris and myself. As a gift from Kelly Lowry, we got a journal for me to write in for Gabriella along with the attendees to write their wish/dream/hopes for Gabriella.
I read them all and they all brought me to tears, I couldn't read them without crying. So I decided to let Gabriella know a little bit about the person who was writing their wish/dream/hope to her. I promise nothing negative was written because I'm not the kind of person to be negative. Upon completing that task, I started writing to Gabriella. I'm not sure how many of you know what Gabriella's name means. It's a Hebrew name and it means God's gift, to Chris and I both her and Joannie are truly God's gift to us. I was told when I was 24 years old to stop trying to have children because I'd never be able to have them for medical reasons. The doctor who told me this, I'd love to go back to and show him the error in his prognosis. Chris got tested before we got married to see if he could ever have children and well he was also told he would never be a father. I don't think I need to tell anyone that God's plans aren't what medical science dictates, but what His' will is. Needless to say, we didn't listen to our doctors, and we tried. Our first miracle, was Joannie surviving her twin's early miscarriage. The second miracle was Gabriella, her name only seemed fitting to both Chris and myself.
I've told very few people, my only two desires for my children are to the following:
1. For them to know that God and their parents love them unconditionally and abundantly.
2. For them to know God, as their Lord and Savior, and to have a relationship with Him.
My children will always know they are loved, by my actions and how I talk about them. I've experience what is like to be loved unconditionally as a child and to be loved conditionally. I choose unconditional love because no matter what I do or what mistakes I make, I know I am loved. I'm not perfect, I am far from perfect. I am a follower of Christ and I follow my Lord's examples. I feel that while I am here on earth, I have been entrusted with the health, safety, and well being of my children here on earth. While I may make decisions that some may question regarding the health, safety, and welfare of my children know that these are my decisions to make as God's servant to these precious gifts that God has entrusted me with. My children are and will always be gifts from God to Chris and myself. I hope that anyone reading this will see their children if they have any as God's gift also. God bless and keep you and yours!
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