For those of you who don't know, Chris and I recently became parents again to a beautiful baby girl. She reminds me a lot of my husband and my first daughter. Her complexion and facial features are all her daddy's, while her temperament thus far is so much my sweet little Joannie. Gabriella Christine Cormier, was born on the 21st of July via c-section. This was not the way I had envisioned having my second child, I had planned on having a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section), but unfortunately God or Gabriella had other plans. She was transverse breech which meant that a VBAC was no longer an option, while another C-Section was and would need to be scheduled.
The first week of little G's life as we call her has been pretty eventful. First, not even 24 hours out of the hospital I ran a fever which wound up being due to me being engorged as we were trying to breast feed G but had to give it up due to me not producing enough milk. It had been roughly 8-12 hours since I had G on either one and well just say both G and I were doing well at it but I was unable to produce enough to keep her satisfied. She's on a really good schedule now and gaining weight as she should be, so we will be sticking to formula. No matter how much I wish I was able to breast feed, I found myself way too exhausted to even keep up with it. I know, the benefits for her is that my breast milk is the best, I just don't produce enough unfortunately. I did try, and Chris' Aunt told me that she was very proud of me and that some women just don't make enough. Chris also supports me in this decision, which was made when I was crying and trying to go to sleep and upset that I couldn't give my daughter the best thing for her.
I know while not everyone may agree with me for the reason(s) I chose to give up breast feeding, in the end I had to do what was right for me and my sweet little miss G. She's sleeping on a better schedule, gaining the weight she should be gaining, and honestly seems to be happier this way. I even caught a glimpse of her laughing in her sleep this morning as she was laying next to Chris in our bed. Usually she sleeps in her own crib right next to our bed, but this morning Chris let her snuggle between the two of us. It was truly a sweet sight, if you're lucky you may even see these photos on Facebook.
Little G truly is a blessing to all of us and she makes our family complete. I would not trade her for anything in the world. I often wondered when she did come out if I would love Joannie any more or less, I find the answer is no I love both my girls the same, as unconditionally as I possibly can.
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