Joannie has been growing up so very fast lately. It makes me wish for the simpler days of when she was an infant and was content to just lay in my arms until she fell asleep. But instead, I have life now, with a back seat driver who is constantly trying to tell Mommy how to get from point A to point B. I laugh now about it because I'm not in my car driving somewhere or hurrying off to some appointment. But when I am in the moment and she's trying to get me to go a different way, I'm not laughing. I very seriously tell her, "Joannie, you can't drive. Please don't tell me how to drive. Okay?" Quietly from her carseat, she'll muster up "Okay Mommy. I sorry."
If Joannie was my GPS, the following would most definitely be true. I would be in a lot of car accidents. I would drive the opposite of how I drive now. I would break many traffic laws. But you want to know something, she does not know these traffic laws or why I drive the way I do or anything about major car accidents. Why? Because these are lessons in life that she is just too young to learn.
How often do we not give God the credit He is due? Maybe God is telling you, that it's not your time to drive. If the Bible is our GPS, then shouldn't our lives be following it. I know for certain my life hasn't always followed Biblical principles. But now, this is what I strive for and live for. Am I ashamed of my past or what I have done? No, because without those mistakes I would not be the person I am today!
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